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ALP Thesis Writing Weeks: activities for students who are writing their thesis

Are you writing your thesis and looking for some support? The ALP Writing Lab is here to help you.

Writing a thesis or dissertation is a challenging task, and you may well find that you ‘get stuck’, and cannot see the way ahead, for whatever reason. During the Thesis Writing Weeks, ALP teachers and student coaches are available to help you with questions and concerns about thesis writing. You can:

  • Sign up for a coaching session with a student who is trained especially to help peers with their writing questions.
  • Join a workshop about the writing process, where we look at strategies to avoid getting stuck or overwhelmed.
  • Join one or more of our Shut up and Write! sessions where you can get practical tips and tricks and do some writing.     

You’re very welcome to join of our activities. The workshops are open to all VU students who are currently working on their thesis. You can find the full programme in the drop-down menu below.

About the ALP
Academic Language Programme (ALP) offers courses, workshops and coaching on academic English and Dutch. Students looking to improve their grammar, writing, pronunciation or presentation skills can choose between group sessions or individual coaching. For international students, there are courses for learning Dutch.


  • Every Wednesday and Thursday until 11 July: Thesis Coaching

    Need help with academic writing?

    Until summer students can sign up for a coaching session with a student who is trained especially to help peers with their writing questions. Peer coaching is available for questions about structuring the thesis, about using an appropriate academic style, and about how to approach writing tasks effectively. Students can also sign up for a session with one of the ALP teachers about specific language issues. More information about coaching is available here.

    Date and time: Every Wednesday and Thursday between 14.00 and 16.00 until 11 July
    Access: free, sign up by sending an email to

  • 11 June, 13.30-15.00: Workshop - The final thesis sprint

    Feeling overwhelmed by everything you still need to do?

    Join us for the workshop The final thesis sprint. This workshop focuses on the writing process. How can you stay on top of your thesis (and avoid getting overwhelmed by everything you still need to do)? How can you effectively plan your writing sessions? And what can you do when you get stuck?

    Date and time: Tuesday 11 June, 13.30-15.00
    Access: Participation is free, but to secure a spot, sign up by sending an email to You can also drop by on the day to see if there are any spaces left.
    Location: HG-14A37

  • 13, 18 and 20 June, 13.30-15.00: Writing session - Shut up and write!

    Do you sometimes struggle to find time and focus to write? Or do you simply want some company while writing? 

    Join us for a ‘Shut up and write!’ session. We will start by giving you some tips on the writing process. We will then have two timed sessions for focused work, with a break in-between, so you can chat to fellow thesis writers.

    Date and time: Thursday 13, 18 and 20 June, 13.30-15.00
    Access: Participation is free, but to secure a spot, sign up by sending an email to You can also drop by on the day to see if there are any spaces left.
    Location: HG10A-36 (13 and 20 June) and HG-14A37 (18 June)

Contact Academic Language Programme

For VU staff: you can contact us about ALP courses for you or your students or with questions about language policy or communicative skills.

Dr. Gea Dreschler, academic director ALP

Dr. Nel de Jong, coordinator ALP for Dutch (NT1, NT2)

For students: for questions or information about a course, workshop or coaching, contact us at