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ALP for students

The Academic Language Programme (ALP) offers courses, workshops and coaching on academic English and Dutch. Students looking to improve their grammar, writing, pronunciation or presentation skills can choose between group sessions or individual coaching. For international students, there are courses for learning Dutch.

11 juni - 11 juli 2024: ALP Thesis writing weeks


Academic English

Academic Dutch

Dutch for international students (organized by VU-NT2)

Writing Centre 

The ALP Writing Centre offers support to bachelor’s and master’s students who are writing essays or a thesis, in English or Dutch. 

These short workshops (1 hour and 45 minutes) focus on specific topics relevant for writing texts in English and Dutch. They take place on campus, in groups of up to 15 participants. 

About English texts (in English)

About the writing process (in English/Dutch)

About Dutch texts (in Dutch)

Individual coaching sessions about your thesis
Writing a thesis or dissertation is a challenging task. If you ‘get stuck’ or cannot see the way ahead, it can be useful to talk to an experienced writing coach. The focus in the coaching sessions is not on the content of the thesis, but on the writing tasks or specific language problems. Read more about coaching for thesis.

Language check for your thesis
For master’s students who want to make sure the language of their Dutch or English thesis is correct, the ALP offers an editing service. The ALP editors provide feedback on the correctness and clarity of your Dutch or English text and help you to write in an appropriate academic style (such as academic vocabulary and perspective). Read more about the ALP editing service.

Minor English

Do you want to learn even more about the English language? The department of Language, Literature and Communication offers a university minor in English (30 EC), which looks at the role of English in an international context, and in particular in an academic context. In addition, you can improve your English writing and speaking skills. You can also take the writing and pronunciation courses separately. For more information, see

Contact Academic Language Programme

For VU staff: you can contact us about ALP courses for you or your students or with questions about language policy or communicative skills.

Dr. Gea Dreschler, academic director ALP

Dr. Nel de Jong, coordinator ALP for Dutch (NT1, NT2)

For students: for questions or information about a course, workshop or coaching, contact us at