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Open Science

Open Science

Open Science aims to make the process of creating and sharing scientific knowledge more transparent, inclusive and equitable.

By means of opening the processes of scientific knowledge creation and communication to those beyond the scientific community, scientific knowledge becomes openly available, accessible and reusable. At VU we believe the dissemination of our shared knowledge leads to large positive effects and benefits for society. Open Science rests on five principles:

We believe that transparency about how we create and share scientific knowledge is crucial for a responsible and trustworthy academic environment. 

We believe that our scientific work should be verifiable and reproducible. 

We believe that collaboration within academia and beyond enhances our research and education.  

Collective Benefit 
We believe that scientific knowledge should benefit everyone. 

We believe that academia should be inclusive, diverse and equitable. 

Do you have questions about Open Science at VU Amsterdam?

Feel free to contact us!


Open Science Coordinator Sander Bosch
  • Emily Barabas
  • Data Steward Faculty of Social Sciences | Research Privacy Champion
Community Manager Lena Karvovskaya