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Learn how to manage AI in your organization

With the rise of contemporary AI technologies such as GenAI into the workplace, new potentials but also challenges emerge for organizations. As these technologies significantly differ from previous digital technologies, managers need to develop new strategies on how to responsibly develop, implement, and use these AI technologies.

In this programme, we will build on evidence from our case studies and state-of-the-art academic research on how AI technologies are developed and used, through which you will gain a deep understanding of how AI technologies can be managed and what you can do to responsibly employ AI’s capabilities while preventing potential organizational risks and pitfalls. Moreover, our programs facilitates a unique setting for managers to learn from other organizations and their best practices as well as challenges.

Managing AI WISEly in brief:

  • Duration: 9 weeks
  • Start date: to be announced 
  • Lectures: first 8 weeks online, Fridays 14:00-16:00. Last session, full day in Amsterdam.
  • Time investment: 2 hours of lectures a week, plus an average of 5 hours of preparation work for each lecture.

Learning Objectives
Participants who successfully complete this course, will:

  • understand what AI technologies are, including the latest generative AI tools, and how they differ from other related technologies
  • gain in-depth insights into concrete use cases for developing, implementing, and using AI systems in organizations
  • collect a set of best practices for managing AI development and implementation
  • reflect on intended outcomes of AI technologies and potential pitfalls, ripple effects, and unintended consequences.
  • acknowledge the importance of bringing together developers, domain experts, and other relevant stakeholders for AI development and implementation and know how to organize this.

For Whom this Course is Designed

This course speaks to managers who:

  • are curious about recent AI trends such as GenAI and its implications for management and organization
  • have already started or are planning to develop and/or implement AI in their organizations
  • are interested in the responsible and human-centric development, implementation, and use of AI technologies


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