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Publicaties | Bregje de Vries

Publicaties | Bregje de Vries

Westbroek, H., Jongejan, W., Kaal, A., & De Vries, B. (2022). Research literacy in initial teacher education: Supporting the development of personal theories. In P. Boyd, A. Szplit, & Z. Zbróg (eds.), Developing teachers’ research literacy (pp.113-136). Kraków: Libron.

Murray, J., Kidd, W., De Vries, B., McMahon, A., & Viswarajan, S. (2021). Designing professional development for teacher educators: Creating long-term learning for the workplace. In R. Vanderlinde, K. Smith, J. Murray & M. Lunenberg (Eds.), Teacher educators and their professional development: Learning from the past, looking to the future (pp.131-143). Routledge.

De Vries, B., & Oolbekkink-Marchand, H. (2020). Hoe blijf je lerarenopleider? Een waaier aan professionaliseringsmogelijkheden. In H. Oolbekkink-Marchand, Q. Kools, H. Stokhof & M. Vervoort (red.), De Staat van de Lerarenopleider (pp.23-28). Velon.

De Vries, B., Swennen, A., & Dengerink, J. (2020). Design principles for the professional development of teacher educators: Illustrations of narration, dialogue and self-study. Parezja, 13(1), 47-54. Te downloaden van:

De Vries, B., Nieveen, N., & Huizinga, T. (2020). De leraar als curriculumontwikkelaar. In J. Dengerink, J. van der Meij & J. Onstenk (red.), Leraar: een professie met perspectief 2 (pp.72-81). Meppel: Ten Brink Uitgevers.

Stokhof, H.J.M., De Vries, B., Bastiaens, T., & Martens R. (2020). Using Mind Maps to Make Student Questioning Effective: Learning Outcomes of a Principle-Based Scenario for Teacher Guidance. Research in Science Education, 50, 203-225.

De Vries, B. (2018). Resonating with reflexive design: On participatory design, narrative research and crystallization. Educational Design Research, 2(1). Available at:

De Vries, B., Schouwenaars, I., Derks, M., & Folker, W. (2018). Exploring the concept of a semi-permeable curriculum: Mixed Audience Masterclasses in teacher education. Journal of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences, 3. To be downloaded from:

Stokhof, H.J.M., De Vries, B., Bastiaens, T., & Martens R. (2018). Mind Map our way into effective student questioning: a Principle-Based Scenario. Research in Science Education 49, 347-369.

Westbroek, H., De Vries, B., Jongejan, W., Kaal, A., & Pauw, I. (2018). Opleiden voor de toekomst: Hoe praten over onderzoek professionele ruimte creëert. VELON Tijdschrift voor Lerarenopleiders, 39(4), 49-64.

De Vries, B., Schouwenaars, I., & Stokhof, H. (2017). Turning teachers into designers: The case of the Ark of Inquiry. Science Education International, 28(4), 246-257.

De Vries, B. Wierda-Boer, H., Van Kan, C., & Van der Steen, J. (2017). Effectieve kennisbenutting in scholen: de waarde van gespreid leiderschap. De Nieuwe Meso, 2, 26-37.

De Vries, B., & Van Hoorn, M. (2017). Onderzoekend leren binnen en buiten de school. Pedagogiek in Praktijk, sept, 22-26.

Stokhof, H.J.M., De Vries, B., Bastiaens, T., & Martens, R. (2017). How to guide effective student questioning? A review of teacher guidance in primary education. Review of Education, 5(2),123-165.

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