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Taalwetenschappen: Language and AI

In the specialization Language and AI you will be programming, you will master the technology behind modern developments in language technology and you will deepen your knowledge of linguistics.

In the first period, you will learn the basics of linguistics and programming in Python for Text Analysis and you will be introduced to the broad field of Human Language Technology in general and Large Language Models specifically, making your first machine learning applications for text.

The second period brings you more specialised knowledge and skills as you learn how to look at language as data, again Large Language Models, and how machine learning for language technology works.

After this solid introduction, you will dive deeper into large language models and generative IA with both practical and theoretical courses. By the time you are ready for your thesis you will be amazed by knowledge and the technical skills you have gained in such a short period.

You will write your Master’s thesis in the last three months of your study. If you want to, you can combine your thesis with an internship in the language industry.

Why Language and AI?

There is more digital information available than ever before. Powerful language models can digest this information not only to learn about language but also to about the world.

But how can we use this availability of information to improve society?  By applying Artificial Intelligence techniques, you can teach a computer how to search through enormous amounts of textual data to find information or make connections that have previously alluded scientists and decision-makers. For example:

  • countless medical reports and scientific papers on specific symptoms contain information that could lead to better treatments and cures for diseases
  • an abundance of documents on economic policies and their effects could lead to improved decision making and stronger economies
  • the opinions of millions of people on all kinds of topics are available on social media, which could help us understand issues like how propaganda and misinformation is spread, how language is evolving and even how people deal with anxiety
  • historical archives, libraries with centuries of books are now available digitally, and exploring them through new techniques could give us a deeper understanding of history and religion

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