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Provision room during exams

Last updated on 3 October 2024
The provision room is a low-stimulus area provided by the VU, in which students with certain disabilities can take their exams.

Provision room during exams

  • What and where is the provision room?

    The provision room is a low-stimulus area* , where students with disabilities can take their exams with a maximum of 14 other students. 

    All faculties except ACTA are partaking in the provision room. The rooms can be found on the 1G-wing in the Main Building** (also known as the Philosophers' court). The provision room is only accessible for students who have registered for the provision room. 

    *Please note! The rooms are low-stimulus and not stimulus-free. 

    **The area is only accessible through the ground floor. Walk towards the elevators and turn right as you pass them. Walk through the white hallway and take the stairs or the elevator to the first floor. You have now reached the provision room.

  • Who is the provision room for?

    The provisions room is for students with a disability who have been granted the following accommodations:

    1. Low-stimulus environment during exams. You will always take your exam in the provisions room.
    2. Digital exam. You will take a written exam digitally in the provision room. 
  • How to (de)register for the provision room?

    You have to register for every exam and resit at least 14 days before the exam takes place. (For example: if an exam is on Thursday October 26th, you can register until Wednesday October 11th, 23.59h.) You can register through this form. Registration is only possible if you have been granted the provision 'low-stress room during exam' and/or 'digital' . To deregister, please use the same form. Please note! Students from the Faculty of Medicine have to register through this form instead. 

    Please note!

    • If you have not received a conformation regarding your registration 5 working days before your exam, contact the Educational Office and provide them with the registration number of your request.
    • The location of the provision room will not be visible in your personal schedule and will not be send to you for every exam. You will only be notified if there are any changes. On the entrance door to the provision room, you will find a schedule guiding you to the correct room.
    • In order to take the exam in the provision room, you will first have to be granted a facility. If you have not been granted one yet, please contact your academic advisor.  
    • Check via the registration module if you are registered for the exam/resit. If you not registered, the exam will not be available for you in the provisions room. You will be referred to the regular exam location listed in your schedule. Please note your facilities may be unavailable for that exam. If there is no space available, you will be referred to the next exam opportunity.
  • Rules in the provision room

    • Make sure to arrive 15 minutes before the exam starts.
    • You will find the number of your specific room on the glass doors. All the rooms are in the 1G-wing of the Main Building.
    • During examweeks, there will be an extra check in the hallways. Please follow the instructions of the surveillance.
    • Please be seated in the row as assigned by the surveillance.
    • Have you not registered (in time) for the provision room? You are not expected and therefore no exam will be provided to you.
    • You can find all other general exam rules here
  • Questions?

    For questions regarding your registration or any uncertainties about the process, please contact the Educational Office of your faculty. For questions about your facility, please contact your academic advisor. 

Do you have questions about studying with a disability?

Please contact the Info Point! They can refer you to the right contact person.

The academic advisor of your programme is your first contact person.

Schedule an online appointment via the calendar. Consultation hours are Mondays 10-11AM (by phone) and Thursdays 4-5PM (by phone or on campus)

Send us an email:

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