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Programme committees

Last updated on 13 May 2024
Interested in having a say in your own education? Then join the programme committee (OLC) of your programme!

Each study programme at VU Amsterdam has an programme committee (OLC). This committee helps decide on the education students receive and advises the programme director. As a student, you can join this committee to represent your supporters. This way, you help to ensure high quality education and build your CV!

What do you do in a programme committee?

As a student member in a programme committee, you work together with teacher members on two important tasks:

  1. Exercising the right of consent and advise on the Teaching and Examination Regulations (TER);
  2. Providing (unsolicited) advice to the study programme management on educational matters.

As a programme committee you also have the so-called 'information right'. This means that the programme management is obliged to share information that the OLC needs to perform its duties. The OLC is also entitled to training and official, financial and legal support. For a complete overview of duties, rights and obligations, see the OC Guideline [in Dutch] of the National Students' Union (LsVb).

Nice! But how do I become a member?

To join the OLC of your programme it is best to send an email using one of the addresses down below.

This is how you get in contact!

Would you like to know more about programme committees within your faculty? Or do you have a question as an OLC member? Then get in touch!

Natalie Strong |

Programme committees of the Faculty of Science

OLC Computer Science (Bachelor) |
OLC Computer Science (Master) |
OLC Computer Security |
OLC Hydrology |
OLC Information Sciences |
OLC Neurosciences |
OLC Science, Business & Innovation | olc Bsc Msc SBI

Carla Heldens |
Charlotte Wichers Hoeth |

Caroline Brenkman |

Bert Jan Lietaert Peerbolte |

Loes Wijnen |

Sanne Jansen |

Larissa Collet |
Sophie Kulik |