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Programme committees Faculty of Humanities

Last updated on 15 May 2024
Each programme of the Faculty of Humanities has its own programme committee (OC). An OC is a participation body that advises on the quality of education.

The Program Committee (OC) is an advisory body where teachers and students jointly contribute to improving the quality and content of education. Each bachelor's programme and each master's programme of the Faculty of Humanities is represented in an OC. OC student members are involved in the teaching of their own study programme. The OC considers it very important to hear the voice of all students.

The OC is a committee established by law that advises the education office and the board of a faculty on all kinds of topics related to education. You can think of advice about the study programme or study load of subjects. In addition, the OC advises annually on the content of the Teaching and Examination Regulations (OER), a regulation in which all rights and obligations of students are laid down.

The OC considers it very important to hear what is going on among the students. So if you have any questions or complaints about your study programme or courses within the study programme or if you have ideas about how your study programme can be improved, please do not hesitate to contact the study programme committee of your programme!

The Faculty of Humanities has the following programme committees:

Programme committees

  • Faculty of humanities committees

    • OLC ACASA: BA GLTC, BA Archeology, BA Archeology, MA Archeology, MA Classics and Ancient Civilizations
    • OLC Philosophy: BA Philosophy, MA Philosophy (1 year), MA Philosophy (2 year)
    • OLC History: BA History, MA History
    • OLC Art and Culture: BA MKDA, MA Arts and Culture Studies, MA Museum Curator, MA Heritage Studies
    • OLC Literature and Culture: BA L&S Dutch, BA L&S English, MA Literature, MA LVHO in the language subjects
    • OLC Philosophy, Politics and Economics BA
    • OLC Language and Communication: BA CIW, MA Linguistics, MA CIW
    • OLC Research masters: Humanities, Classics and Ancient Civilizations
    • OC Ancient Studies: BA Griekse en Latijnse taal en Cultuur, BA Archeology, ,MA Archeology, MA Classics and Ancient Civilizations, RMA Classics and Ancient Civilizations.
    • OC Philosophy: BA Philosophy, MA Philosophy (2 year), MA Filosofie van Cultuur en Bestuur
    • OC History: BA History, MA History
    • OC Art and Culture: BA Media, Art, Design and Architecture, MA Arts and Culture, MA Curating Art and Cultures, MA Heritage Studies
    • OC Literature and Linguistics: BA Literature and Society , MA Literary Studies, Ma Linguistics
    • OC Philosophy, Politics and Economics BA
    • OC Communication and Information Studies: BA Communication and information Studies, MA Communication and information Studies
    • OC Research master Humanities: Humanities

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