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Programme committees Faculty of Religion and Theology

Last updated on 15 May 2024
Every programme of the Faculty of Religion and Theology (FRT) has its own programme committee (OLC). A programme committee is a participation body that advises on the quality of education.

The programme committees of the Faculty of Religion and Theology have been merged into two committees: the Bachelor Theology Programme Committee and 'the Other Programmes' Programme Committee (see below). A programme committee is responsible for advising on the Education and Examination Regulations (OER) before the Faculty Board adopts these regulations, to annually assess the implementation of the OER and, if requested or on its own initiative, to issue advice on education matters to the Faculty Board and the examination boards.

The Faculty of Religion and Theology has two programme committees:

  • The programme committee of the bachelor's programme in Theology, a joint bachelor's programme of the faculty and the Protestant Theological University (PThU)
    The committee consists of lecturer and student members from the Bachelor of Theology. This programme committee meets under the chairmanship of prof. dr. Bert Jan Lietaert Peerbolte.
  • The degree programme committee of the other degree programmes of the faculty

This consists of at least one lecturer member and one student member from each department of the faculty, taking into account the various seminars and ideologies. This programme committee meets under the chairmanship of prof. dr. Bert Jan Lietaert Peerbolte

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