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Educational vision and policy

Educational vision VU Amsterdam 2021
Last updated on 17 January 2024
What is our Educational vision? How has that been set out in our Education agenda and Educational policy in order to achieve our goals? And how are we going to ensure that the quality of our teaching is and remains high?

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam wants its teaching and research to help create a better world. VU Amsterdam offers high-quality, meaningful and challenging academic education (undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate continuing education). We train our students to become responsible, critical and engaged academics with A Broader Mind who will continue to evolve and develop throughout their lives. How do we as a university help students along this path? Read all about it on this page.

Teaching at VU Amsterdam

  • Educational vision

    In our Educational vision we outline the principles of our approach to education based on the following core values: open, personal and responsible, and appropriate to the mission and strategy of VU Amsterdam. This vision is intended to inspire and encourage innovation, and is a guideline for everyone who is part of the VU Amsterdam community.

  • Educational policy

    VU Amsterdam has a university-wide policy for education and quality assurance. We think it is very important that our educational programmes are future-proof, respond to changing demands and reach a wide target group. Read more about VU Amsterdam’s Educational policy [in Dutch] here.

  • Educational agenda

    In our Education agenda [in Dutch] we have set out how we plan to attain our strategic ambitions in the area of education. The agenda functions as an improvement-generator for education at VU Amsterdam.

  • Quality of education

    VU Amsterdam offers high-quality educational programmes that are connected to our research interests. We also have an external system of quality assurance [in Dutch] to guarantee the quality of our programmes meets the standards of a modern educational institution.

  • Accreditation/quality assessment   

    Programmes that want to become eligible for accreditation have to write a Self-Evaluation Report (SER) as part of the accreditation application. The Department for Educational Policy provides support services. There is also an option of conducting a trial quality assessment in preparation for the quality assessment committee. You can read more about this here [in Dutch].

Want to know more about Teaching at VU Amsterdam?