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Educational innovation

VU is constantly working on innovation in the field of education, both in terms of course content, didactics and technological support.

Innovation takes place on a small scale by individual teachers and on a larger scale by programmes or faculties. 

New study programmes or graduation tracks

New degree programmes often arise when social and scientific developments lead to new fields of study or when the needs of society change. Click here (see Dutch version of this link) for information on stopping or starting a programme.

New teaching concept

Courses also have to adapt regularly as insights around learning, new teaching concepts motivation academic education and the like change. This requires revision of learning objectives, course design and distribution and more. This could include VU-wide educational innovations.

VU-wide educational innovations

VU-wide there are more general innovations such as Active Blended Learning, Community Service Learning, the wider use of the Mixed Classroom approach or VU Dream Teams.

Innovation projects

An important motor for educational innovation are innovation projects supported by resources from incentive schemes. Individual teachers or teams of teachers can often apply for these. SOZ OKP offers help in writing a good plan.

Education Agenda and VU Quality Plan

Within the framework of the VU Quality Plan, in the period 2019-2024 projects will be carried out across the VU and at all VU faculties to improve the quality of education. Often, innovations are part of these projects.

Teacher support and didactic support for innovations

Teachers and programme directors can also commit to innovations because they are constantly working on educational improvements. The faculties or the VU Centre for Teaching & Learning (CTL) can provide support for this in a number of ways.