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Research Data Management FBMS

Research data management is an essential element of all research at the Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences (FBMS or FGB in Dutch). It involves properly managing your data resources and documentation prior to, during and after the research process.

You may not always think of the information and resources that you use as data, but any source of information used to answer your research question, as well as any documentation necessary to understand this information, counts as data. 

If you effectively manage your data, you will reduce the risk of errors and data loss, and you will make it easier to reuse the data in the future. Research data management will also help you to meet other obligations, such as privacy and security requirements.

The purpose of this page is to serve as a portal to information on how to achieve good research data management at the faculty and VU. It also assists you in finding relevant information on related topics such as:

Research and Policy Support (REPS) Team

For further support, you can contact the REPS Team via