There are two possible trajectories: we can match candidates to a vacant position, or a position can be created for a particular candidate.
It is possible to adapt the position or working conditions to the employee’s capabilities and limits. We always take the added value an employee has to offer as our starting point. Essentially, there should therefore be a match between the candidate, the position and the department.
Vacancies to be filled with an employee covered by the Participation Act are on the Working at VU website. These vacancies are also posted through other channels. To this end, VU Amsterdam has entered into a number of collaborations with partners who specialise in guiding and placing people from this target group.
These partners are:
- Werkgeversservicepunt Groot Amsterdam (WSP)
- Stichting Studeren en Werken op Maat (SWOM)
- Randstad Participatie
- Onbeperkt aan de Slag
A PhD program with an occupational disability
Currently, most colleagues with occupational disabilities at VU work in support and administrative positions. In order to make a scientific career more accessible, VU Amsterdam is creating PhD positions for people with occupational disabilities. The contents of the work are the same, but there is more financing and support available. More information is available on the page Doing a PhD with an occupational disability.
The employee will take part in the general onboarding procedure, unless they are on a trial placement. Under the terms of such a placement, the employee retains their benefits for the first two months of employment and is not paid a salary. A guest account is required in these cases. The aim of this trial period is to establish whether there is a match, with a view to subsequently offering the employee a contract of at least six months for a minimum of the same number of hours per week as the trial placement.
When drawing up the employment contract, it is important to select the following contract type: Participant WP/OBP tijd. CAO 2.3 lid 6a. Employees covered by the Participation Act are exempted from the “permanent contact after 12 months of employment” rule and may be employed on a fixed-term basis up to a maximum of 36 months.