Buddy, buddy training and peer review
When a new employee with an occupational disability starts working, it is a good idea to appoint a colleague as a buddy beforehand. A buddy is a colleague who is paired with the new employee and who works with them directly. The buddy provides on-the-job training and is the new employee’s first point of contact. The Participation Service Point provides buddy training.
This training involves:
- Information on the Participation Act
- Information on various types of disability in the workplace
- An understanding of the role of buddy
- Tips and resources to fulfil the role of buddy as effectively as possible
The training takes half a day. In addition to the buddy training, colleagues and managers can participate in peer review and thematic sessions. In these events, we highlight various types of disabilities and discuss situations that buddies and managers may encounter.
Job coach
This coaching is a provision for the employee and is paid for by the UWV or the municipality. It is therefore free of charge for VU Amsterdam. A job coach collaborates with the employee and their supervisor on ensuring an optimal work setting and performance.
A job coach can:
- be present at consultations before the employee starts or if there is a trial placement first;
- help the employee with a disability settle in and coach them;
- contribute ideas on which facilities are needed on the work floor to make the working environment optimal for the employee with the disability;
- advise the manager, the buddy and other colleagues;
- assist and coach the manager in fulfilling their role;
- draw up a development plan with the employee with a disability and focus on development and training. This can be done on entry and also during the career;
- keeping an eye on the work-life balance of the employee with a disability.
There are two types of job coaching:
- Internal: VU Amsterdam has its own job coaches who may provide coaching.
- External: the employee is provided with a job coach through the municipality or an external agency.
Job coaching can be arranged through the Participation Service Point.