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Art of Engagement

Last updated on 27 November 2023
At Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, we put our core values into practice not only in our education and research, but also in the way we treat each other.

It is easier to work together toward a better world in a working environment that inspires, develops and engages. We have formulated four principles to achieve this, which we call Art of Engagement. It is an exercise in professional behaviour that helps us make collaboration smoother while still allowing the process to be enjoyable.

What is Art of Engagement?

The four principles of Art of Engagement indicate how you yourself can contribute to an engaged and open organisation:

  • Contribute to the bigger picture
  • Be bold and decisive
  • Be transparent and clear
  • Listen and give room for growth

These principles are foundational to the way we work together, make decisions, communicate and take responsibility. Art of Engagement should be a given for all of us, to be engaged and transparent not only externally but also internally. Not to be the best student in the class, but as an exercise in professional behaviour that that helps us make collaboration run more smoothly while still allowing the process to be enjoyable.

Giving compliments

What does giving compliments have to do with Art of Engagement? Compliment professor and chairman of the Works Council Marius Rietdijk explains in an infectious workshop that appreciating the behavior of others is the best way to achieve better cooperation and communication. To be effective you need to give four times as many compliments as criticism. The combination of 'Speak out speak out' with expressing appreciation is particularly powerful.

Do you want to know more about Art of Engagement, or do you have questions?

Feel free to contact us

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