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Last updated on 2 November 2023
VU Amsterdam has signed an agreement with GoodHabitz. More than 150 training courses are available for employees of VU, ACTA and PThU.

With VU E-learning you give an impulse to your personal development. On the platform there are more than 150 online training courses that are very practical and in more than 10 languages available. For example, think of a course in the field of personal effectiveness, Microsoft 365 or working together in a team, and health. Each training course consists of five modules and a test. 

You can start, stop and resume a training at any time. Modules include a piece of theory, videos, an interview with an expert, a quiz, casuistry and a practical assignment. You choose the topics that are interesting to you. This can be a complete training, a module or just a part of a module. It is not an end in itself to follow the entire training.

VU E-Learning

  • Frequently asked questions

    • Where can I find the GoodHabitz training courses?
      Use the 'Take action now' button on this page for the GoodHabitz training courses.
    • My account isn’t working.
      Please send an email to They can help you.
    • I have a question about a training course, how can I get in contact with GoodHabitz?
      Send an email with your question to or call the GoodHabitz helpdesk on +31 (0)40 2444 850.
    • Is the university allowed to give my VU email address to GoodHabitz?
      Yes, because they only use your email address to provide you with an E-learning account. 
    • Is my manager able to see which training courses I am taking?
    • Is the VU able to see which training courses I take?
      Only the VU administrator of the HRMAM department is able to see this. The VU administrator will make a report on a university-wide level, and never on an individual level.
    • Does the VU make reports per faculty or department?
      No, the administrator only reports on a university-wide level. If a group of employees decides to create a team within GoodHabitz, the team administrator can report on a team level. Every team member can accept whether or not s/he wants to be part of that team.
    • Can I follow the GoodHabitz training courses during work time?
      You have to discuss this question with your manager. It is for example dependent on the relevance of the training course for your work and in relation to other education programs you follow.
    • Can I use  my personal development days to follow GoodHabitz training courses?
      Yes: every training course - consisting of several building blocks - lasts 2,5 hours and you are entitled to 3 development days per year. Thus, if you don’t follow any other trainings, you can use your personal development days for 6 training courses.  

VU E-Learning

Erik Scherder (professor Neuropsychology) and Renée-Andrée Koornstra (Director HR, Health, Safety & Environment) have recorded a video together. See here why VU Amsterdam opts for e-learning.