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Starting a vacancy

Last updated on 12 December 2023
VU Amsterdam uses an Applicant Tracking System (ATS). This system automates the application procedure.

The implementation of an ATS changes the way a vacancy text is created, how the recruitment process is started and the way applicants are receiving and selecting. Applying via e-mail is no longer possible and allowed. 

Starting up a vacancy

The system guides vacancy holders from the start of a vacancy to the final assessment of candidates. By using the ATS, the VU complies with the GDPR  privacy legislation. The vacancy holder can easily start the process himself, but can also delegate it to a colleague. The vacancy holder fills in information about the vacancy and adds participants. The system then creates a vacancy. 


Participants are colleagues who are involved in the recruitment process. Only the added participants can view and assess candidates. Together they can create assessment criteria, so comparing candidates is more easy. If necessary, participants can see from other participants how they have assessed the candidates. 

Vacancy template

With the ATS the creation of the vacancy text is also much simpler. Various vacancy templates are available in the system. Therefore, take into account the target audience you want to reach when choosing a template. Depending on the template, the relevant characteristics are requested. In these formats "job description", job tasks" and "job requirements" are mandatory to complete. All other information is automatically integrated in the vacancy text based on previous information provided.


As soon as the vacancy is entered into the system, the approval process starts. The vacancy first goes to the HR Advisor and eventually to the HRM Service Desk. In this process, the HRM Service Desk remains responsible for publishing the vacancies on internal and external media channels. 

Do you have questions about the ATS?

Please contact us

020 59 81 56 5 

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: between 13:00 - 17:00