Candidates want to know whether they find the job interesting first, then the employer becomes relevant. So describe the job content first. Write in the present tense, as if the candidate is already working for you. Address your candidates directly and use active expressions: ‘you make an important contribution to education’. This is more attractive than ‘the candidate is expected to make a significant contribution to education’. Also make sure that sentences are not too long or too complex.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Think about the search terms your candidates may use. For example, someone looking for a job will google ‘vacancy secretary’ or ‘vacancy developmental psychology’. Of course you want your vacancy to come up high in the search results. There are some strategies for that. Make sure that an important keyword (i.e. ‘secretary’ or ‘developmental psychology’) appears in the job title and in the introduction text. Try mentioning that keyword about three times in the rest of the text as well.
Introductory text
The purpose of the introductory text is to ‘draw’ people into the vacancy: you make clear who your target group is and invite them to read on. A common way to do that is by asking questions: ‘Do you have a PhD in Human Movement Sciences? Do you want to delve into elderly care?’. But a statement like ‘Linux has no secrets for you.’ can also work well. End the introductory text with: ‘Please apply at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU Amsterdam).’
Keep the text short, that is important for SEO: between 52 and 158 characters (including spaces) is ideal. Also make sure to use a few terms that your candidates will search for.
Job description
In the job description you briefly explain what the job entails. You ensure that candidates get a picture of the work. And be selective: you don't have to mention specific courses or consultations yet. That sort of thing is only really relevant if someone actually starts working. The reason for the vacancy is also usually irrelevant. Think from the candidate's perspective: what would you like to know if you came across this vacancy?
Plus, think about what makes the job appealing. Why would someone want to do this job? For example, what can someone develop in, and how does VU Amsterdam support that? How does this contribute to a better world? What is the atmosphere like in the team and in the department?
Your duties
Under this heading, you list the most important tasks in short bullet points. Try not to repeat what you already mentioned in the job description. Again, be selective: use no more than 4-6 points, and keep them short.
Job requirements
Here a maximum of 4-6 points applies as well. You do not describe your ideal candidate, but you list the ‘must-haves’ that are crucial for the position. A long list of requirements deters candidates, even if they would be very suitable for the job. Plus, this list should be balanced with the employment benefits under ‘What we offer'. You cannot ask for more than you offer. Keep your points short here as well.
If you mention competencies: make sure you define them clearly. We want to attract a diverse pool of candidates. For this, it is important to describe competencies in terms of behaviour and skills, and not as character traits. Rather than ‘you are stress resistant’ you write 'in busy periods you keep it cool’. This is also clearer for candidates!
A few other examples of competencies:
- ‘you are communicatively strong’ becomes ‘you communicate clearly’ or ‘you seek collaboration’
- ‘you are proactive’ becomes ‘you see what needs to happen and picks up these tasks by your own initiative’
- ‘you are a team player’ becomes ‘you enjoy working in a team’ or ‘you value contributing to a collaborative result’ or ‘you value contributing to a good team atmosphere’
UNL’s Competency guide (in Dutch only) can be a good tool for this.
Are pre-employment screening instruments (declaration of conduct, reference check, diploma check, assessment etc.) a part of the recruitment process? Do not forget to mention this in the vacancy text. You can do this underneath the list of requirements.