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Law Students learn from each other with the Mixed Classroom model

Last updated on 17 November 2022
Law teacher Jessica Hill lets her students learn from each other by applying the Mixed Classroom model in her courses

Law teacher Jessica Hill, sees that her students bring a variety of perspectives to her Law, Society and Criminology, and Statistics 1 courses. She likes to let them learn from each other by letting them collaborate and discuss. In the course Law, Society and Criminology, students are already prepared for this on forehand, this makes for more engagement, lively discussions and broader perspectives in their final assignment. In the Statistics 1 course, it was less obvious to work with this model because the curriculum is more fixed. How did she succeed? She incorporated smaller aspects of the Mixed Classroom Model, such as practising together in class and a new open question in the test. 

Students learn from each other with the Mixed Classroom model!

Students learn from each other with the Mixed Classroom model!

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