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VU teacher Rosa Pols on active blended learning

Last updated on 3 April 2023
The simple exit-slip technique to involve students in the learning process - active blended learning according to Junior Lecturer Rosa Pols.

Her example is about activating students to think about whether they feel safe and seen in the current student group and during the course. She applies the exit-slips (or exit-ticket) technique. This technique has many applications by allowing students to give anonymous answers to questions posed by lecturers (for more examples, see this page). Rosa asks the students to indicate how they feel in light of creating a safe learning environment (Mixed Classroom). Rosa ask students to write their feelings of being seen or secure on a post-it note that they stick on the board when they leave the room. Rosa scans through the notes to get an impression of the atmosphere, and discusses the results at the next meeting.

Inspiration video Rosa Pols

Inspiration video Rosa Pols

Does the video not work? Watch it via the VU Amsterdam youtube channel.

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