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Last updated on 1 June 2023
On this page you find information on different networks for VU employees. Check out the networking opportunities and join a network that suits you.


  • VU Association

    VU Association is a network for anyone who has a connection with Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Vrije Universiteit Medical Center, and who feels involved in the activities we undertake.

  • Young.VU

    Young employees looking for young employees

    Are you a young employee (guideline < 36 years) and would you like to get to know other young colleagues? You can! Young.VU is an initiative that organises various activities throughout the year. From informal drinks to informative lectures and a boat trip. It has all passed the revue. 

    Curious what else is on the agenda? Sign up for our mailing and stay informed! We look forward to meeting you live on campus at our next event. Sign up by sending an email to See you soon!

  • WO&MEN-network

    WO&MEN@VU is a network for all VU employees, whom is striving to improve gender equality within VU Amsterdam. Our efforts are certainly not limited to women. Also male or employees with another gender identity are welcome for help and our effort.

  • VU Pride

    VU Pride is the network for and by LGBTQIA+ students and employees of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

  • PhD's

    Come together and meet your fellow PhD students. At VU Amsterdam we organise a number of social events and sports activities for PhD candidates and their families. 

    More info PhD gatherings

  • Internationall Academic Staff network

    VU International Academic Staff is a community network of international staff at VU Amsterdam and welcomes PhD students, postdocs, professors, administrators and the faculty to join.

  • VU affiliated associations