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Join VU's network for young professionals
Last updated on 15 April 2024
Join VU's network for young professionals

Young.VU is a network by and for young professionals working as academic or support staff at the VU. VU is a large organisation and you don't meet other young colleagues in the corridors every day. Young.VU was founded to make it easier to connect with other young employees. We organise substantive and social events. Young.VU has a board that takes care of the organisation. 

When can I apply for Young.VU?
All employees under 36 can apply to Young.VU, but we don't draw a hard line! Anyone who feels young is very welcome to join our activities. 

How do I sign up?
You can sign up using the button at the top of this page. You will then become a member of our Teams environment. This is where we communicate about upcoming events. You can also sign up via this link.

What can I expect from this network?
The Young.VU network is very approachable and accessible. Especially if you have just started a new job at VU, it is nice to meet some colleagues of about the same age right away. We organise events in which all young employees can participate. Activities are generally free of charge. Occasionally, we ask for a small contribution when we organise something exceptional. When you sign up, we will send you agenda requests for the events. You are not obliged to do anything: nothing is compulsory, everything is allowed. 

 How many employees belong to the Young.VU target group?
About 1,200 employees currently belong to Young.VU's target group. During events, a changing group is present. You can always choose whether or not to attend something, so no obligations. 

Welcome to Young.VU!

Welcome to Young.VU!

You're young and you work at VU Amsterdam, welcome to Young.VU! When you wok at such a large organisation, you can feel lost at times. I hope Young.VU can help you get to know other people and  feel more conneted with your colleagues, the university and Amsterdam. I'm RaphaĆ«l and I enjoy getting to know people and find out what drives them in life. At Young.VU I help facilitate the circumstances where you can meet other young VU colleagues.

Do you have questions about Young.VU? Send us an email!