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VU Association

VU Association is a network for anyone who has a connection with Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Vrije Universiteit Medical Center, and who feels involved in the activities we undertake.

The VU Association aims to promote the relationship between society and scientific research, higher education and patient care. With a special focus on subjects like philosophy, culture and society.

We bring the social relevance and meaning of science to a large audience's attention through various events such as lectures, debates or other public events. The VU Association is also actively involved in education, research and the dissemination of knowledge by providing grants, funds and subsidies, and (co-)funding of endowed chairs.

More information
On the website of the VU Association (Dutch only) you will find all information about the organization and a calendar of current events and themes. There is also information to be found about the various goals which are supported and you can join the VU Association.

Mailing address
VU Association
De Boelelaan 1105
1081 HV Amsterdam

T +31 20 598 52 95