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Incompany trainings for teams and organisations

VU Amsterdam offers (in-company) trainings and courses on a specific topic or professional field.

Are you looking for incompany trainings and courses that are specifically geared towards the needs and challenges of your organisation? Is your organisation facing an important new step where cutting-edge knowledge and expertise in your field, as well as academic certitude, is wanted or needed? Do you want to develop a unique in-company training for a specific team?

We combine our knowledge and expertise with yours, and together we develop an offer which allows us to learn from each other. This co-creation is important to us and makes our customised trainings unique. In-company, online or on campus. Our experts and trainers are happy to advise you.

View the possibilities

In-company training in collaboration with VU University Amsterdam provides:

• Tailor-made training or course for your organisation (section) or team

• Co-creation in which our high-quality scientific knowledge and expertise meets your requirements

• The possibility to bring an entire team to a higher (knowledge) level in one go

• Flexible education at a time and location of your choice; online, face to face or blended

Consultancy and contact

Are you looking for a training or course that focuses specifically on your field and fits seamlessly into your organisation? Our experts often approach subjects from multiple disciplines and apply scientifically proven insights to the issues you want answers to. We work with experts from all fields. From lawyers to political scientists, from economists to educationalists. For more information, a no-obligation consultation or a quotation, please contact one of our advisers at or +31 20 59 87986.

Our programmes for professionals

Number of customized and in company programmes

  • > 125

Number of trained professionals last year

  • 10,166

Follow courses with

  • > 250 Leading experts


  • 1957

Why VU Amsterdam?

  • Personalised, practice-oriented, cutting-edge

Would you like advice for an incompany project?

Don’t hesitate to contact us
