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Incompany at VU

How can your organisation anticipate the changing, unpredictable, complex market environment? What transformation is needed to operate agile and resilient? How do you involve and activate employees in changes? And how do employees develop the necessary leadership and business skills? These are tough issues that organisations struggle with.

VU School of Business and Economics offers successful Incompany programmes in various organisations such as ABN AMRO, Red Cross, Belastingdienst (Dutch Tax Authority), and Mazars. In addition, organisations gain access to the knowledge and insights of many top university lecturers. In addition to their teaching position, many of them also work in the business world and in the field of scientific research, which means that you can professionalise at an academic and practical level.

Taylor-made programmes are developed to the needs of the organisation. This can be an existing training programme or a combination of topics brought together in a customized programme. We are happy to meet with you to identify your needs and training requirements in order to develop an appropriate and scientific training programme.

Why choose for an Incompany programme at VU?

  • Top-quality taylor-made programmes to suit the situation and challenges of your organisation.
  • Demand-driven developed from the context, expectations and wishes of your organisation.
  • VU SBE Executive Education is specialised in a wide range of topics in (Change) Management & Leadership, Coaching, Finance, Accounting & Control, Compliance, Marketing, Business Analytics, Data Science, IT, and specific programmes for Public Professionals.
  • At a time and location of your preference, online and offline.
  • Always building a bridge between high-quality science and practice.
  • With a focus on aftercare and evaluation.

Interested and curious about the possibilities for your organisation?

We like to collaborate and are happy to think along with you. Please contact us at the contact details below.

How can we help you?

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
School of Business and Economics Executive Education
De Boelelaan 1105

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