The city of Amsterdam has an extensive public transport network consisting of trams, metro services, buses, ferries and trains. Extensive maps and timetables of all routes can be found on the GVB (municipal transport company) website.
Public transport smart card (OV-chipkaart)
The most convenient and affordable method of paying for public transport is by 'OV-chipkaart'. You can buy a refillable anonymous OV-chipkaart at ticket vending machines, GVB Tickets & Info locations, certain newsagents and supermarkets. Find more detailed information on the GVB website.
Check in, check out
It is important to remember to check both in and out when using your OV-chipkaart. This can be done by holding the card against the reader present on platforms for trains and metro, or on board of the vehicle in buses and trams. You must also check in and out when changing to a different line or mode of transport.
See more about traveling to and from VU Amsterdam sustainably.