What courses can I take?
When you enrol in the FSS Honours Programme, you will take both interfaculty courses (a total of 18 ECTS) and faculty courses (a total of 12 ECTS).
Interfaculty Courses
The programme offered to all Honours students (interfaculty courses) at the VU consists of a large number of interesting courses you can choose from! An overview can be found on vu.nl/honours.
These interfaculty courses are taught mainly in the evening by the finest lecturers from VU Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam and Amsterdam University College, as well as guest lecturers from the Netherlands and abroad. The classes are small and you will be expected to give presentations, write papers and make an active contribution to discussions.
Enrolment in the interfaculty VU HP courses takes place right after each info session at the end of the semester, the so called VU Try Out Classes.
Faculty courses
The faculty courses give you more in-depth perspective within your own field of studies. You will take two courses: (1) HP Big Data meets Small Data** and (2) a course linked to your own bachelor programme, which is usually an individual research project. The latter may differ per bachelor programme and your personal preferences are also taken into account. The faculty courses can be found in the study guide of your bachelor's programme under 'Honours'. Note: PPE students who enrol in the FSS HP, will take part in the Political Science Honours Programme.
Registration for FSS honours courses is done in the same way as registration for regular FSS courses, via the "course registration / intekenen onderwijs" option on your VU dashboard.
HP Study planner
| Period 1
| Period 2
| Period 3
| Period 4
| Period 5
| Period 6
First year
| Deadline 1 May
Application HP
| VU Try Out Class
Enrolment VU HP courses
Second year
| VU Try Out Class
Enrolment VU HP courses
| HP Big Data meets Small Data (S_HPBDMSD)** | HP Big Data meets Small Data (S_HPBDMSD)**
| VU Try Out Class
Enrolment VU HP courses
Third year
| VU Try Out Class
Enrolment VU HP courses*
| Start of research project*
| Graduation
**The course HP Big Data Meets Small Data will not be offered in the academic year 2024-2025. Instead FSS Honours students choose an additional interfaculty course (6EC).
*Research projects (more information to be found in the studyguide):
B&O HP Research Project in PAOS (S_HPRPao)
CW HP Research Project Communication Science (S_HPRPCW)
CAO HP Individual Project Anthropology (S_HPIPA)
POL HP Research Colloquium in Political Science (S_HPRCPS)
SOC HP Individual Project in Sociology (S_HPIPS)
Mohammed Idrissi - Honours Programme student
"The course Students for a Future Society gave me an opportunity to experience a different way of doing research. I recommend future students to try courses that are normally not within your field of interest. It gave me the opportunity to step out of my comfort zone and learn more about myself."