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Become an ambassador for your bachelors programme and the VU

Are you enthusiastic about your programme at VU and do you know how to convey this well to prospective students? Do you enjoy being VU's figurehead during information activities together with fellow students? Then become an ambassador!

As an ambassador, you provide prospective students with all the ins and outs about VU Amsterdam and/or your (Bachelor's/ Master's) programme during orientation days (VU Bachelor Days, Master's Event), taster days and school information sessions. You can also work as a host, guide or crew member during various events. 

Why become an ambassador?
Every year, the university organises events and orientation activities specifically for prospective students. Your role as an ambassador is very valuable in this. You as a student understand better than anyone else how difficult it is to choose a study and you can advise future students by sharing your experiences. In addition, the role of ambassador is the ideal extracurricular activity to do next to your studies:

  • To expand your network: you join an enthusiastic student team and get to know others
  • To enhance your CV: you work on your communication skills and develop presentation skills. Plus you can receive a certificate after your period of ambassadorship ends.
  • With flexibility: you can determine your hours and activities yourself
  • With a reward: you receive a standard compensation of €12.50 or €15.00 per hour (depending on your age) and also get compensated for your travel costs and travel time.

You can choose between becoming an ambassador specifically for the (Bachelor's) programme you follow, or for VU in general. You can indicate your preferences in the registration form. 

Sign up!

Ambassador information

  • Compensation

    Reimbursement for open days, taster days, school information and other presentations:
    Under 21 years: €12.50 per hour
    21 years or older: €15.00 per hour

    If you go to an external location, such as a school information session, we will also reimburse your travel time (calculated from the VU and up to 1.5 hours each way). Also a nice bonus!

    Compensation for taster day activities is not per hour but per student:
    On campus: a maximum of 3 students at a time. For the first student you get €13.75 and for each additional student €5.50 extra. In total you can earn a maximum of €24.75 each time while you attend your own lectures!

    Online participation: a maximum of 5 students at a time. You get €8.75 for the first student and for each additional student €5.50 extra. In total you can earn a maximum of €30.75 per time!

  • Registration procedure

    You can register via this form.

    After registration, you will be added to the ambassador pool. In case you register for the VU general ambassadorship, a coordinator of one of the (informational) events will contact you about your availability. If you register as an ambassador for your Bachelor's programme, a contact person from your faculty will contact you for a brief introduction. Here you will receive more information about the various activities (open days, student for a day, taster days) and discuss your expectations. If this shows that you are on the same page, you can officially join the team of student ambassadors! You will receive all the information you need to prepare properly. You can contact the same contact person for questions all year round.

  • Expectations and timeline

    Your ambassador role is flexible, but not without obligation. If you sign up to help with an event/information activity, we are counting on you. We expect you to be available at least five times a year. An ambassador year looks something like this:

    VU ambassador in general
    For all general VU activities, you mainly provide practical help instead of giving programme specific information. For example by scanning tickets at the entrance, helping with signage for prospective students or, by handing out information cards on an open day. However, you can also participate in a general VU information market and provide information about your experience studying at VU.

    Ambassador for your bachelor's degree programme
    Depending on the amount of activities your programme is involved with, your presence is required. Beforehand we will approach you to check your availability. It is nice to know that presenting for groups is not mandatory.

    Here are some important days for 2024-2025

    8 & 9 November 2024: VU Bachelor Days (1st, 2nd and 3rd year student ambassadors)
    8 February 2025 : VU Bachelor's Day

    November 2024 – April 2025: 

    • Student for a day: guide one or more high school students at the university. You take them to a lecture and show them around. (1st and 2nd year student ambassadors)
    • Taster day: guide students with an assignment at VU, possibly share your experience and support teachers.
    • School information sessions: you visit a school by yourself or with another ambassador and provide information about your programme.

    Dates of other information activities

    Other planned information activities include:

    10 October 2024: VU Master's event (online)

    8 March 2024: VU Master's event

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