How should we respond to an increase of Meningococcal disease? These are the types of questions addressed in this programme. You’ll start your study with three compulsory courses, introducing you to the core competences of the programme, these are:
- Analysis of complex societal issues related to the health and life sciences;
- Formulation and implementation of strategies to deal with complex societal problems through interdisciplinary research;
- Effective cooperation and communication with both societal actors and with researchers from scientific disciplines other than health and life sciences.
You’ll be able to choose one of four specialisations, each requiring you to take one compulsory course, which counts for 6 EC. You will also follow two other courses within your specialisation for a minimum of 12 EC (18 EC in total). You will conduct two internships, of which at least one should be in the field of your specialisation
This two-year programme counts for a total of 120 ECs.
The start date of this programme is September 1st.