Hydrology student for a (field)day
Want to know if the Master Hydrology suits you? Join us a day in the field! Date: 14 April 2025. Mail us to apply or for more information: msc.hydrology.beta@vu.nl.
Hydrology at VU Amsterdam
Hydrologists are needed everywhere. The Netherlands is known for its experts in the field of water management. So, where better to study hydrology than in Amsterdam! In our Master, you will investigate water challenges and processes from a systems perspective. The Master offers interdisciplinary perspectives, a personal teaching style, and has a hands-on, international and real-world approach.
During the programme you will gain skills that allow understanding the processes driving the water cycle, and enable you to address risks related to water quantity (such as floods and droughts) and water quality (such as pollution).
Hbo diploma
Did you know that you can easily gain admission with an hbo degree? You can often enrol without a pre-master. More information.