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Make sense of thought and reality through language

As a specialist in Human Language Technology you have solid expertise in a rapidly developing field of research. As a graduate in Forensic Linguistics, you'll have experience in doing both fundamental and applied linguistic research in forensic settings, which will give you a wide range of career opportunities.

The language industry is very keen on linguists with a technical background. Being a graduate in Human Language Technology from the Computational Linguistics and Text Mining Lab will boost your chances of securing a career in linguistics or language technology.  

As a graduate in Forensic Linguistics you'll have a wide range of career opportunities. From forensic investigation and government agencies to research positions in academia  or a forensic institute. Taking elective courses in language technology, will also increase your chances of finding a job in the industry.   

What can you do after your Master's degree?

Pursue an academic career

After graduating in the Humanities (Research) Master’s programme, you’ll be well placed to work as an independent researcher. You’ll have the skills needed to pursue a PhD within academia, and we’ll guide you in writing a research proposal for a PhD project. In recent years, many of our alumni have been awarded PhD grants in the Netherlands and abroad. 

The programme also offers excellent training for a career at a research institute outside academia. In our research design courses, you’ll learn to develop your research skills, construct research proposals for national or European science foundations, and apply for international research funds.  Many research institutes are eager to welcome researchers trained in qualitative and quantitative research methods.  

Embark on a career outside the field of research

But you can also embark on a career outside the field of research – as a journalist, editor, teacher, heritage expert, policymaker in education for a local or national government, or advisor to governments or NGOs, for example.