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Surprise lonely seniors with a card

Iza en Erik, students PPE and Political Science

Iza en Erik, students PPE and Political Science

The idea of dichterBLIJ came up when Iza, a VU-student PPE, took the initiative to exchange letters and cards with a (lonely) inhabitant of a nursing home. It became a success and together with her friend Erik, a VU-student in Political Science, she founded the dichterBLIJ foundation. Since its existence, some ninety volunteers have surprised twenty elderly people with letters and cards. 

Someone is writing a letter at a table

Get involved!

Get involved!

The power of dichterBLIJ is in the surprise. Volunteers send dozens of cards from all over the country (and even abroad during the vacations) to an elderly person on a special day. That is often a birthday, but also to wish people strength just before their operation or when they are facing a difficult period. 

Volunteers are encouraged by the Foundation to write their own address on their card as well, so that the elderly person can also send a card back. This can lead to a friendship, a wonderful addition to the surprise.

The dichterBLIJ foundation surprises mainly Dutch speaking elderly and also send our mails in Dutch. But that does not mean that you cannot participate as an international.

More information and signing up to become a volunteer at 

A woman holding a card

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