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Better decisions for a better world

Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE)

The PPE programme offers a dynamic academic curriculum where you'll examine societal challenges through an interdisciplinary lens. This will enable you to understand these challenges along multiple dimensions and to evaluate potential solutions. Our teaching methodology combines engaging lectures with small-scale interactive seminars where you will engage in active discussion and develop presentation skills.

In your first year, our programme lays a strong PPE foundation with courses covering Ethics, Micro- and Macroeconomics, and Comparative Politics, which are supported by key analytical methodology courses like Mathematics, Logic and Statistics.

In year two, you will customize your PPE journey by choosing two disciplines/tracks to focus on, adding a personalized touch to your education. Exceptional students can follow our Honours programme which allows you to deepen and broaden your education.

In year three you have the unique opportunity to study abroad at one of VU Amsterdam's partner universities. Our global educational partnerships are found in North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia. Alternatively, you can follow a 5-month internship. After returning to the John Stuart Mill College, you'll cap off your studies with an advanced course in either policy or methods, the bachelor’s thesis, and the final PPE in Practice course.

To support your academic journey, our PPE program, led by the Dean, provides a supportive and attentive study environment. Dedicated coordinators for Philosophy, Economics, and Politics ensure the smooth running of each track. Our dynamic team of PhD students, who are involved in research and teaching, brings the latest insights to the classroom during seminars. PPE stands out by having an in-house Academic Coordinator to guide you on your educational path, and a Program Officer ensuring seamless operations and promotion. Learn more about our team on the John Stuart Mill College webpage.

Choose a specialisation


Want to specialize in philosophy? Then choose philosophy as one of your tracks in your second year and find out below which courses this entails.


Want to specialize in politics? Then choose politics as one of your tracks in your second year and find out below which courses this entails.


Want to specialize in economics? Then choose economics as one of your tracks in your second year and find out below which courses this entails.

Change your future with the Philosophy, Politics and Economics programme

Change your future with the Philosophy, Politics and Economics programme

After the bachelor’s programme, you can specialise by choosing a Master’s degree programme. When you graduate as a policy expert, you could work as a leader, policymaker, consultant, reporter or academic in banks, consultancies, governments, political think-tanks or academic institutions.

Discover your future prospects
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