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Shape your vision about culture

Is Instagram the new museum? Is living in a tiny house hip or sustainable? How are designers and artists dealing with an increasingly mediated and globalized world?

Pursue a bachelor's degree in Media, Art, Design and Architecture (MKDA-EN) at VU Amsterdam and study the significance and contested histories of images, objects and environments. Media, art, design, and architecture cannot be understood in isolation from each other or outside of the contexts in which they appear.

Five reasons to choose this bachelor:

  1. A unique interdisciplinary programme, combining and integrating four disciplines.
  2. You learn to look, think, write and talk critically about objects, paintings, buildings, films and clips from multiple perspectives.
  3. You choose your specialisation in your second year: Media, Art, Design or Architecture.
  4. You will acquire a broad substantive and theoretical basis.
  5. You will study in the cultural hotspot of the Netherlands.

Prefer to follow this programme in Dutch? Visit our Dutch page.

Discover your programme Media, Art, Design and Architecture

From Renaissance painting to contemporary art, from early cinema to streaming platforms, from historical costumes to avant-garde fashion, and from classical architecture to 3D-printed houses – in Media, Art, Design and Architecture, you will study diverse forms of creative expressions, local and global, from the past and present.

You will learn to look critically at everyday objects, works of art, buildings, and media from different perspectives. Combining different disciplinary approaches gives more nuanced insights into the complexities of culture. We call this “1+1=3”.

Please note that this is an academic and not a practice-based programme: you will learn to look, think, write and talk critically about culture from theoretical and historical perspectives but you will not be trained to become a (media) designer, artist or architect.

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Studying at VU Amsterdam