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Use big data to tackle the big issues

Vast amounts of data are being collected every second. And businesses, governments and societies at large need people who can take these large data sets and summarise, analyse, interpret and present them – often to other stakeholders who are not experts. As a graduate in Econometrics and Data Science, you’re the ideal person for the job.

The majority of graduates from the Bachelor’s programme in Econometrics and Data Science go on to do a Master’s (or a double Master’s) in a related field, or continue with a PhD at the VU.

Whatever you choose to do, you’ll have excellent quantitative and problem-solving, communication and presentation skills. You’ll leave with a large network of like-minded peers, which will put you ahead of the crowd in your career. And the experience you have gained during the programme will make you resilient and ready to take on the world.

Are you curious to know what kind of jobs are available after graduation? Then read about the different options at a brewery here. And immediately see the differences with related bachelor programmes.

What can you do after your Bachelor’s degree?

Further your education

A master’s degree in a specialisation that relates to your chosen track is a logical next step for any graduate with a Bachelor of Econometrics and Data Science degree. You can choose from master’s programmes in:

Start your career

With a degree in Econometrics and Data Science, your skills will be valuable in any role that involves extracting information from and making decisions based on data. That could include anything from setting pricing models at Alibaba, to figuring out algorithms for Uber, to working on monetary policy for a central bank. Whatever you choose to do, you’ll be well prepared to solve problems, analyse data in practice, use quantitative methods effectively, and overcome any hurdles that may stand in your way.