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Transform your education with Community Service Learning

Community Service Learning (CSL) is an innovative form of education that connects students with societal actors to collaborate on real-world challenges. VU Amsterdam encourages lecturers to incorporate CSL in their education, and offers support throughout the process.

Educating students through a Community Service Learning approach fosters deeper understanding of course material, personal growth, and social responsibility. Because of these features, CSL is incorporated in the VU strategy as part of A Broader Mind.

Teach career-oriented skills and societal engagement

CSL equips students with a wide range of skills that are crucial for their future careers, such as critical thinking, problem solving and cultural understanding. At the same time, CSL enhances students’ societal engagement. It creates a sense of ownership and empowers them to become change agents, driving positive transformations in society.

Easy implementation through tailored support

Community Service Learning is integrated in all VU faculties and can be modified to most courses with a practice-related component. You, as a lecturer, do not have to reinvent the wheel; the CSL team provides support, from orientation phase, to identifying societal challenges that match your course objectives, to practically implementing CSL activities. Next to years of experience across disciplines, the CSL team has a network of community partners, and offers year-round workshops, learning labs, practical tools, and more. Find details on support offerings below.

Photo: ©Florencia Jadia

Meike Morren, lecturer at the School of Business and Economics

"I immediately liked the idea behind CSL; to connect students to actual professionals in the field. This was perfect for my course Marketing Sustainable Innovations, in which students design a marketing plan and integrate theories that we've discussed. I highly recommend other courses to collaborate with a societal partner through CSL, as the CSL team makes it really easy to find a match, and partners are very motivated to work with students."

View more experiences

Support & resources

  • Match your course with a societal issue

    The CSL team has an network of societal partners who work on various topics. Based on the content and objectives of your course we can identify various topics for you to choose from, including different associated societal partners to collaborate with.

    Additionally, we organise Meet & Match events around wider societal themes. Here, interested lecturers and societal partners can freely get to know each other. Long-term connections can be perpetuated in one of the theme-based Knowledge Alliances on Sustainability, Mental Health, or Inclusive Public Spaces. These networks foster ongoing collaborations and result in higher-impact contributions to society.

  • Design CSL activities for your course

    When you found your match, the CSL team offers various means of support to (re)design your course and integrate Community Service Learning activities:

    • Workshops | Under guidance of the CSL team and in collaboration with the societal partner we will tailor your course and implement CSL activities
    • Toolbox | Whether you are exploring CSL or already have years of experience, this toolbox provides helpful resources and tools
    • Examples | Get inspired by stories of VU lecturers who work with CSL, and examples of CSL courses in a wide variety of disciplines.
  • Reflect & share knowledge

    At the end of your course, you will reflect with the societal partner, your students and the CSL team on the collaboration. You can continue for another course cycle and work on the same topic with a new group of students, but perhaps some are changes required. Or it may be suitable to pass the topic on to another course, who can build on your course’s outcomes. Anything is possible. During Engaged Learning Lunch Meetings, CSL lecturers can exchange this knowledge and discuss their experiences with the CSL team.

  • More support

    Go to the CSL support page to see the entire overview of support options offered by the CSL team.

Get in touch

Exploring if CSL suits you? Let’s find out together!

Athena Institute, Faculty of Science
Science building (W&N), 5th floor, wing C


Prof. dr. Marjolein Zweekhorst
Dr. Eduardo Muniz Pereira Urias
  • Dr. Sarju Sing Rai
  • Assistant professor of competencies development through public engagement
Dr. Sarju Sing Rai