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Toolbox for Stakeholder Engagement

Engage with societal actors in your course to equip your students with career-oriented skills and social responsibility. How to do that? This toolbox provides support from orientation phase, to matching your course with a societal challenge, to designing course activities and reflecting.

In the Community Service Learning (CSL) programme of VU Amsterdam, students and lecturers address real-world challenges in collaboration with societal actors. Through this experience, students develop skills that are crucial for their future careers, while driving positive transformations in society. Because of these features, CSL is incorporated in the VU strategy as part of A Broader Mind.
More background

The Community Service Learning approach can be modified to most courses with a practice-related component, throughout all faculties. In this toolbox, you will find a collection of practical resources and tools that will help you engage with societal actors and integrate CSL in your education.


Here you will find tools that will help you to engage with societal actors in your course.

The value of Community Service Learning

What are the benefits of Community Service Learning? And how does it foster meaningful engagement between science and society? In this video, a lecturer, a student , and a societal partner discuss their experiences. 

Listen to the full conversation in this podcast.

Contact us

Questions or ideas?

Athena Institute, Faculty of Science
Science building (W&N), 5th floor, wing C


Prof. dr. Marjolein Zweekhorst
Dr. Eduardo Muniz Pereira Urias
  • Dr. Sarju Sing Rai
  • Assistant professor of competencies development through public engagement
Dr. Sarju Sing Rai