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Social safety

VU Amsterdam is committed to providing a safe and pleasant study and working environment.

In a good study and work climate, there is respect, attention and understanding for one another. This climate requires an active contribution from everyone studying or working at VU Amsterdam. Not only in terms of their own behaviour, but also by adopting a vigilant attitude towards any form of undesirable behaviour they observe in their own work or study environment.

Students, PhD students and employees must feel safe and be able to use their talents to the full. VU Amsterdam does not tolerate discrimination, intimidation, bullying, sexual harassment, aggression, violence or other behaviour that affects the personal integrity of another person. A key condition is that we can and dare speak to each other and give feedback when things are not going well.

You may encounter behaviour that makes you feel uncomfortable or even unsafe. It is important that support and advice is available in these situations. For those seeking help for themselves and also for those who have an important role in guiding and supporting students, PhD students and employees.

VU Amsterdam continues its efforts to further improve social safety at the university to create a sustainably safe learning and working environment.

Inappropriate conduct

Do not hesitate to ask for help. VU Amsterdam finds it important that students and employees feel safe. Have you experienced inappropriate conduct or do you feel unsafe on campus, off campus or online? See the Inappropriate behaviour page for the best way to report it.

We work on social safety with various programs:

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