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O|2 Lab Building

The O|2 Lab Building is one of the first university buildings in the Netherlands built to accommodate a specific research theme.

De Boelelaan 1108
1081 HZ Amsterdam

Reception: +31 (0)6 52440359


O|2 stands for oxygen and is, therefore, a symbol of life. In the O|2 Lab Building researchers from VU Amsterdam and Amsterdam UMC - location VUmc jointly tackle socially relevant issues in the field of Human Health & Life Sciences in a state-of-the-art shared research environment. This will result in a mix of fundamental and applied scientific-medical research conducted by chemists, molecular biologists, analysts, biophysicists and bioinformaticians from the university and preclinical researchers from VUmc.

Interfaculty collaboration and meetings

Creating shared space for comparable research generates opportunities to strengthen the research profile and to improve research infrastructure. Cooperation will be fostered by sharing high-end research equipment and the shared use of service labs. The collective use of high-quality research facilities enables and encourages the efficient use of costly research facilities AND knowledge sharing and collaboration. For example, the building will bring together a large number of biochemical labs and synthesis labs, a radionuclide lab and an ML-III lab (this means it’s a place where you can work with organisms that cause non-fatal diseases) all under one roof. Part of the building is intended as Lab Hotel (Mylab@Ol2-concept): a place where partners or commercial parties for example can rent the use of office and laboratory facilities for a specific time.


The building has been designed to be as sustainable as possible. It will feature ‘future-proof’ laboratories with a high degree of flexibility - the ultimate tool for medical research. Cooling is achieved using water from the nearby Nieuwe Meer lake and other energy needs are met by VU Amsterdam/VUmc Energy Centre. O|2 has a sedum green roof, which absorbs water and provides insulation. The building’s structure lets in plenty of daylight, saving on the cost of artificial lighting.

Design and lay-out

The O|2 Lab Building is shaped like a large cube, with two cut-outs that provide light. Striking angled columns – steel pipes of between 18 and 20 metres in length – support the construction of the cut-out sections. An atrium at the heart of O|2 channels daylight into all areas of the building. The ground floor will function as an urban plaza with restaurants, an information centre, a conference hall, meeting rooms and a bicycle parking area. A parking garage has already been constructed beneath the building.

Science café

The Science café is located on the ground floor of the O|2 Lab building. Here you can have a nice breakfast, lunch, or coffee. There is a "pop-up" room where presentations can be given. This is also the place for an informal drink and joint activities. In the Eat Meet Work section, you can meet, give seminars, consult, but also have lunch and drinks.

See the opening times of all VU buildings.

Working together in the O|2 Lab Building

Take a look inside the O|2 Lab Building

Work in O|2

  • Opening times and route description

    Please check the opening times and route description.

  • Forms

    Do you have a request? Please check the procedures on this page.

  • Work safely

    What to do in case of emergenency?

    • react (at the evacuation alarm)
    • alarm (for incident/accident call (020) 598 2222)

    Important phone numbers

    • Acute assistance: emergency number 22222 or 020 - 5982222
    • Non-acute notifications: 85854 or 020 - 5985854
    • Report an incident

    Safety cards

    Company Emergency Organisation (BNO)
    Are you BHV, a member of the OCT, SBT or manager? It is important that you are well aware of the BNO and the emergency response organization. Find out more (in Dutch).

    Security documents

  • How to book rooms

    For booking rooms guidelines have been drawn up, please read these first.

    You can book the rooms and auditorium as follows:

    • Auditorium (120 persons): mail to
    • Pop-up room (40 persons): mail to
    • Meeting rooms for 8, 12, 20 and 40 persons at floor 1 to 8 and rooms 12E65 en 12W24 (20 persons): Outlook (Open your agenda in Outlook). Click in your agenda to make an appointment. Afterwards, click on ‘scheduling assistant’. In the next window, click on the button left, ‘add rooms’. Search on ‘O2’ and you will see all the booking rooms in the O|2 building. Select the room you want to book. If the room is bookable, click on confirmation and afterwards ‘ok’. When you save your appointment, you booked the meeting room.
  • Procedure night entrance

    The night entrance may only be used by employees who are authorised to enter the building outside of opening hours.

    Procedure entry:

    • You call Security using the intercom
    • Security answers the intercom and asks which floor you want to work on
    • Security deactivates the alarm on the night entrance, the ground floor and the floor where you want to work
    • You use your security pass to enter (it may take a moment before the entrance is accessible)
    • Security reactivates the alarm on the night entrance (this ensures that Security always knows who is using the night entrance)

    Procedure departure:

    • Upon departure, you once again call Security using the intercom on the inside of the night entrance
    • Security deactivates the alarm on the night entrance
    • You leave the building
    • Security reactivates all building alarms

    Several employees may be in the building at the same time. The ground floor alarm will remain partially deactivated while any employees are present. This alarm will only be activated once everyone has left the building. You may bring a guest. This must be reported to Security by intercom. You can use your security pass to let the guest into the building.

    Questions? Please contact

  • Nitrogen taps

    The tapping points for liquid nitrogen in dewars can be found in: 

    • K1-PW08 3X (Cryoroom)
    • 2E-24
    • 4W-19
    • 4E-26
    • 10E-84
    • 11E-78
    • 12E-81 (2X)
  • Freezers and refrigerators in the O|2 Lab Building

    The management of freezers and refrigerators in the O|2 Lab Building is handled by the department of Fine Mechanical Instrumentation Beta at VU (FMI-B). FMI-B provides user support and takes care of the repair, replacement, and maintenance of this equipment. The Facility Campus Organization (FCO) is responsible for the procurement and delivery of new freezers.

    Reporting incidents

    If you encounter issues with freezers or refrigerators, please report them to FMI-B. For the current contact information, visit our service page:

    It is essential that in case of an incident, you promptly transfer the contents of the freezers to a loan freezer following the established procedures. Utilize the BIBRO system for monitoring the operation and reporting incidents. Additionally, consider activating SMS notifications along with email alerts for immediate notifications on your mobile phone.

    For inquiries regarding the BIBRO system, you can contact us at: For more information, including manuals and procedures, please visit our service page:

  • Post and parcels

    FCO Logistics Centre is responsible for receiving and distributing post. Post will be delivered daily to the secretariats in O|2. The secretariats are responsible for further internal distribution. If you want to send any post or parcels, drop them off at the secretariat. FCO Logistics Centre will collect and dispatch them. The related costs are invoiced.

    Make sure the items are correctly addressed and mention any specific requirements (urgent, registered, specific shipping). Stickers are available for this purpose. Parcels with a foreign destination should include any required accompanying documents. 

    For questions regarding the packaging or dispatching of post/parcels, you should contact FCO Logistics Centre in Transitorium (address: Van der Boechorststraat 3) or by e-mail at; VUmc staff should contact the VUmc mailroom by phone on 020-4443161 or 020-4442687.

    Address for post and parcels

    O|2 postal address for VU Amsterdam
    P.O. Box 7161, 1007 MC Amsterdam
    De Boelelaan 1085, 1081 HV Amsterdam.

    O|2 postal address for VUmc staff
    P.O. Box 7057, 1007 MB Amsterdam
    De Boelelaan 1118, 1081 HV Amsterdam

    A correct address is written as follows:[Your faculty/service/department name] [Your name] [VU Amsterdam or VUmc postal address] > see above [Location code: Secretariat O|2 room number]

    Goods receipt and distribution
    Order goods through your department in accordance with the applicable procedures and agreements and using your specific ordering system. This applies to office supplies as well as to laboratory equipment. Goods are received at the central goods reception at VU Amsterdam or VUmc. FCO Logistics Centre is responsible for their receipt and distribution to O|2.

    Address for goods 

    Delivery address for goods ordered by O|2 VU Amsterdam:
    VU Amsterdam
    Goods reception ACTA/O|2
    Gustav Mahlerlaan 3004, 1081 LA Amsterdam

    Delivery address for goods ordered by O|2 VUmc staff:
    VUmc Goods reception
    Van der Boechorststraat 6, 1081 BT Amsterdam

    A correct address is written as follows:
    Faculty/service/department name
    VU Amsterdam or VUmc delivery address
    Location code: Secretariat O|2 room number

  • Printing

    At the multifunction printer in O|2, a touchpad terminal is present in order to unlock the print functions with the use of your own organisation employee pass. Therefore, you first need to link your employee pass.

    Procedure VU employee
    Go to the multifunction printer and put your organisation employee pass on top of the touchpad. The message “unknown pass“ will be displayed. Select “OK” for linking your organisation employee pass. Select your organisation in next screen (VUmc/VU). Enter your user-ID in next screen. Enter your VUnet password. Your employee pass is successfully linked. At this moment you will not yet have your free printing quota; IT department will activate the automatic quota upgrade within one day so that you will be able to use the print facility at O|2.

    Procedure VUmc employee
    You can print using the VU printers. Within the VUmc network a printer queue is implemented called “o2_follow_me”. This print queue is automatically available at the by the IT department managed VIEW workstations in O2. At workstations that are not managed by IT, but by the department itself, the printer queue needs to be installed by the department itself, in cooperation witch the VUmc IT department. When this is not yet done, please contact your IT contact person.

    Connecting your employee card to the VU MyNetPay print system
    To be able to print using the VU printers, you need to connect your VUMC employee card to de VU MyNetPay print system. How you can do this you can find in the Manual printing O|2 – Connecting VUmc.

    Sending and collecting print jobs
    Print jobs can be sent and collected as follows:

    • Sent the print job by selecting the “o2_follow_me” printer
    • Sign-in to the printer by placing your employee card at the touchpad terminal
    • When you are signed-in, a menu appears with different options
    • Indicate that you want to print and select the print job you want to print. Press Afdrukken (Print)

    Questions related to printing a job at a VU printer and/or connecting your employee card: VUmc ICT Servicedesk, 020-4440777, MyNetPay print system can be directed to: VU IT Servicedesk, 020-5980000,

  • Manual offices

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