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All about Humanities Research

Our faculty is very successful in raising research funds. Recruitment takes place in many ways and through active networks. Our research is often interdisciplinary and has a strong social component.

In the first place, there is a lot of collaboration with other faculties within the VU and within our faculty itself via IOZI: interfaculty research institutes. FGW is secretary of CLUE+ and plays an active role in the Network Institute. In addition, individual researchers are also active in the Amsterdam Sustainability Institute. Due to the participation in CLUE+ (humanities with a heritage component) and the Network Institute (strong emphasis on our digital world), involvement in the VU Connected World theme is high. 

This is closely related to the broad network and the interdisciplinary attitude of the humanities researcher and indicates that the relevance of the Humanities is broad.

At the Research Department we support our scientists in various areas:

Info on individual researchers, research teams and projects is to be found at the VU Research Portal.