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Valorisation Research Humanities

Valorisation is one of our Faculties top priorities. Under the leadership of the Director of Valorisation, the faculty focuses on strengthening and further expanding valorisation.

Internally, these include the grant officers and business/impact developer of IXA-GO and the VU Impact Board (IBVU), external partners in Amsterdam and far beyond, such as the network of professors by special appointment.

The first internal priority is to further profile Humanities+ - that's VU Amsterdam's humanities vision – through valorisation. This self-reflective view of ourselves, society and the type of students we want to educate is in line with the VU's vision, but also does justice to the uniqueness and strengths of the faculty. Humanities therefore wants to focus strongly on the social side of valorisation. 

Examples are valorization activities in the field of inclusivity and diversity, such as a MOOC on Global English, the various courses of NT2 for migrants and refugees, creating new insights with regard to deafness, debates on moral economy and other contributions to opinion or advice, among other things in recent debates about Covid-19 or the slavery past. The VU Faculty of Humnaities is active in valorisation and has the ambition to broaden and increase its activities, and to make them inseparable from existing education and research activities.