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Faculty Committees FBMS

There are several Faculty Committees that advise the FBMS Faculty Board on its policies. Besides that, the Faculty Committees have their own duties and activities.

Below you can find the Faculty Committees.

Faculty Committees

  • Examination Board FGB

    Within the FGB faculty, there is a single examination committee: the Examination Committee FGB (EC FGB).

    The Examination Board FGB is composed of the Central Examination Board FGB and several cluster-specific subcommittees, including Movement Sciences (EC BW), Pedagogical Sciences (EC PEDA), Psychology (EC PSY), University Teacher Training (EC ULO), and the Educational Master Primary Education (EC EMPO).

    For more information about the FGB Examination Board, visit the official page.

    You can also access the Education and Examination Regulations (OER) in the Study Guide, as well as the Regulations and Guidelines (R&R).

  • The Scientific and Ethical Review Board (VCWE)

  • PhD Education Committee (PEC)

    The PhD Education Committee (PEC) approves the Training part of the Training and Supervision plan of all PhD candidates within the faculty. In addition the committee also reviews any applications for the faculty’s travel fund and for the faculty’s Junior Career Award, previously known as the Dissertation Award. The committee meets on a regular basis, and can be contacted via:

    The committee members are:
    Prof.dr. Dan Balliet (chair), Department of Experimental and Applied Psychology
    Dr. Nadia Dominici, Department of Human Movement Sciences 
    Dr. Ina Koning, Department of Educational and Family Studies 
    Sjors van de Ven (PhD candidate), Department of Biological Psychology
    Kim Starreveld (PhD candidate), Department of Educational and Family Studies
    Lonit Peeters (PhD candidate), Department of Human Movement Sciences
    Solveig Lund (secretary to the committee), FGB 

    Read here information about Graduate School

  • Faculty Library Committee

    The committee members are:
    Dr. Idsart Kingma
    Dr. Martin Gevonden (chair)
    Dr. Anders Schinkel
    Dr. Anne Marije Kaag
    Drs. Marlies de Vries

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