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Collection HDC | Protestant Heritage

The collection HDC | Protestant Heritage collects and manages archives and collections of individuals and institutions from Protestant circles.

The collection reflects the broad Protestant tradition in the Netherlands. Reformed or evangelical, traditional or progressive Christian. The archives of many individuals and institutions in the fields of religion, politics, education and social action can be found here. The Collection HDC | Protestant Heritage collection is linked to the HDC Centre for Religious History.

The collections and archives described underneath are only available in Dutch. They can be accessed through the following link leading to the Dutch webpage.

The Collection HDC | Protestant Heritage manages some three kilometres of private Protestant archives. These collections can be consulted for study, education and research at the Special Collections Reading Room of the University Library.

Photo Collection
The photo collection contains a large collection of photos from the archives. It is currently not possible to identify the maker and/or copyright holder of all photos. Therefore, the photos are not shown (for the time being). The metadata remains available and searchable.

Online Collections
Various databases are available, such as the BNPP and the IGKN. In addition, the collection HDC | Protestant Heritage also manages a number of digitised archives.

The periodicals collection managed by the HDC | Protestant Heritage collection has been added to the library collection. Some of these journals are not yet described in the catalogue, but this collection is still searchable.

Questions about the collection Protestant Heritage Collections (HDC)

Please contact Myrthe Bleeker, curator of the University Library archives

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