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Inclusive Leadership – A Mixed Classroom Approach

Inclusive Leadership - the Mixed Classroom Educational Model in the Leadership Practice

Read all the practical information relevant to the Inclusive Leadership Workshop.

The workshop programme lasts for six weeks and consists of three two-hour sessions on three different dates, along with blended modules.

Dates and times
In-person dates for the upcoming programme are:
January 21, February 11 and March 4, 2025 from 2 - 5 pm. 

Study load hours
50 hours

Number of participants

Minimum: 6, maximum: 10.

Costs (2024/2025)

  • VU employees
    If you are a VU employee - or employed by ACTA, Amsterdam UMC or AUC -, most of this programme cost will be covered through internal quality funds. If you participate in this programme you will need to provide a contribution of € 150. We advise you to talk with your manager about a possible reimbursement of this contribution. You can check on this page if you are eligible for reimbursement.
  • External candidates
    Cost for employees of other Dutch universities is € 950 (no tax).

You can register by using the online registration form.

Please note that two places are available for external participants. Should we receive more than two applications from external participants, they will be processed in order of entry and we will work with a waiting list. In that case, we will notify you as soon as a place becomes available for you.

Meer informatie

Contact and more information

Do you have questions about the design or content of the course?

If so, please contact teacher trainer Marieke Parijs: m.j.a.parijs@vu.nl

Do you have practical questions?

Please contact Laura Arnesano: ctl@vu.nl


Marieke Parijs

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