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Deze opleiding is opgeslagen in Mijn Studiekeuze.
Er is iets fout gegaan bij het uitvoeren van het verzoek.
Er is iets fout gegaan bij het uitvoeren van het verzoek.

Inclusive Leadership - the Mixed Classroom Educational Model in the Leadership Practice

The result of the Inclusive leadership Workshop.

By following this workshop, participants can build and strengthen their inclusive leadership skills. They are able to use conceptual, procedural, and strategic knowledge, facilitated by the Mixed Classroom approach. Furthermore, they understand how to capitalize on diverse perspectives and offer feedback for inclusive environments.

More information
Dates and contact

Contact and more information

Do you have questions about the design or content of the course?

If so, please contact teacher trainer Marieke Parijs:

Do you have practical questions?

Please contact Laura Arnesano:


Marieke Parijs