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Events on mindfulness and meditation

Last updated on 17 January 2024
Here you can find an overview of events on meditation and mindfulness organised on the VU campus.

Events on meditation and mindfulness on VU Campus

  • Weekly Buddhist and Christian meditations of NEWConnective

    NEWConnective offers the following weekly meditations: 

    Buddhist Meditation, every Monday 12:45–1:15 PM in the Silence Room (HG-1A57). Join a guided Buddhist meditation, and share a silent practice with each other.

    You are very welcome to use the Silence Room (HG-1A57) for whatever ideological or religious silence practice when no activities take place. 

  • Tai Chi organised by VU in Beweging and VU sportcentrum

    Tai-Chi is a initiative of VU in Beweging and VU sportcentrum to get both students and employees to exercise more. There are two Tai-Chi sessions every Tuesday and Thursday from 12:30 - 12:45 and 1:00 - 1:15 p.m. starting January 10, 2023 at the basketball court. Registration is not necessary, and everyone is welcome. The Tai Chi will be announced with a gong beat. 

  • Meditations in the Mindful Library

    Currently there is a weekly meditation group in the Mindful Library as a collaboration between NEWConnective and the University Library.

    Meditation Group, every Monday 12:55–1:15 PM in the Silence Room (HG-1A57). Join us in silence to meditate in whatever way you prefer. We share our experiences afterwards.

  • Monthly Mindful Meetup of the Mindful Library

    Come to the Vu Mindful Meet-up! This monthly events! This monthly event series focuses on the entire VU community and combines inspiring conversations about meaning and mindfulness with a guided meditation by an experienced guide.

    The Mindful Meet-up is an event in which each month, a different theme is explored. A place where theory about mindfulness and meditation is combined with trying it out in practice. Whether it's about physicality, calligraphy or origami at the Mindful Meet-up you will find other people who are involved in meditation, spirituality, meaning or self-improvement.

  • An introductory course into Mindfulness by Student Educational Affairs

    This course of the Student Educational Affairs offers an introduction into mindfulness. We introduce you to the principles of mindfulness, so that you can take the first steps towards a more relaxed basic attitude in life. In the training you learn - in an accessible way - to live more in the now. You will experience how you can be more attentive in everyday life and learn how mindfulness can help you with your studies. There are no mats or candles. The starting point is down to earth.

    The course is given in English and consists of 5 sessions of 1 hour and 45 minutes. Sign up or view the details.