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Top-level athletes and other talent

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Last updated on 11 September 2024
Do you perform at top level in sports or in a cultural field, besides pursuing your studies? VU Amsterdam can support you financially and with facilities.

If you perform at the top of your sporting or cultural field alongside your studies, the VU wants to encourage and support this. The conditions for Top Performance status are:

Top Sport

You qualify if you have a status from the NOC*NSF or if you practice a sport that is on the most recent Topsport List of the NOC*NSF at the level of recognised finals of European Championships and World Championships. In all other cases, the Top Performance Committee will decide on your application (usually after advice from Topsport Amsterdam).

Cultural Top Performance

You are eligible if you perform on (inter)nationally recognised major stages. Each application will be submitted to the Topprestatie committee.

More about Top Performance status

  • Applications Top Performance status

    The Top Performance status is maximum for the duration of 1 academic year and will have to be reapplied each academic year.
    Applications for academic year 2024-2025 can be submitted using the digital application form below.

    Application form facilities top sports performance

    Application form facilities cultural top performance 

    Take into account a response time of 30 days.
    When you first apply for Top Performance status, you can schedule an intake interview via the online calendar.

  • Intake Top Performance

    When you apply for Top Performance status for the first time, you can schedule an appointment for an intake via the online agenda. During the intake, top performance status will be explained. The possibilities and potential bottlenecks and how to tackle the combination of study and Top Performance will also be discussed.

    During the intake, we will focus on both the short term (your first year of study) and the longer term where we will put your sporting or cultural career alongside your study career. For example, we will look at whether there may be developments in the future that could have a major impact on your study career.

  • Facilities you can make use of

    Once you have received Top Performance status from VU Amsterdam, you can make use of the facilities scheme and the financial scheme.

    Facilities mbt bottlenecks between Top Performance and study

    As a top student, you often need extra facilities in addition to your studies. That is why we have the Student Facilities Scheme. 

    If you experience bottlenecks between your studies and your top performance activities, you can make use of certain facilities.  These facilities may differ per programme and subject. Some examples are: placement in a study group that coincides as little as possible with activities related to your Top Performance; relaxation of the attendance requirement; an adjusted study schedule; or the possibility to request facilities around exams and deadlines.

    To make use of facilities, it is important to stay in touch with your Academic Advisor throughout your studies. 

  • Financial compensation

    Besides bottlenecks in your study planning, VU Amsterdam also considers it important that studying remains financially feasible if you combine your studies with a top performance in sport or culture. As a top performance student, you can appeal to the Student Support Regulation if you incur study delays as a result of combining top performance and study. Read the conditions carefully.

  • Certificate Top Performance and Study

    If you have successfully completed your education (bachelor's or master's) and combined this with top-level sport for at least one year in which you held an NOC*NSF status, you can apply for a Top-level Sport and Study certificate. This certificate is offered jointly by the NOC*NSF and the VU.

    Send an e-mail to to initiate the application.

  • Contact

    Before the start of your studies

    If you are a prospective student and have questions about studying at VU combined with a Top Performance in sport or culture, schedule an orientation meeting via the online agenda. When booking the appointment, you can choose between an appointment on the VU campus or online.


    If you are applying for Top Performance status for the first time, you can schedule an appointment for an intake via the online agenda. During the intake, the Top Performance status will be explained. The possibilities and potential bottlenecks and how to tackle the combination of study and Top Performance will be discussed.

    The intake will focus on both the short term (your first year of study) and the longer term where we will put your sporting or cultural career alongside your study career.  For example, we will look at whether there are any future developments that could affect your study career

    During your studies

    If you have VU's top residency status and you encounter bottlenecks during your studies, please contact your Academic Advisor. If you have general questions about the combination Top Performance and study, please email

  • Committee for Top-level sports/cultural activities

    The Committee convenes on:

    29 August
    17 September
    15 October
    12 November
    17 December

Would you like to know more?

Please feel free to contact us!

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