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Top-level athletes and other talent

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Last updated on 13 June 2024
Do you perform at top level in sports or in a cultural field, besides pursuing your studies? VU Amsterdam can support you financially and with facilities.

If you qualify, you can benefit from a financial scheme and additional facilities.

Financial scheme

As a top-level performing student, you can receive financial aid from the Profile Fund, during the time that you combine your top-level activities and studies.

Facilities Regulation

In addition to financial aid, students performing at top level in sports or in a cultural field often need additional facilities. The Facilities Regulation for top-level students was set up for that reason. Read the conditions carefully.


As far as top-level sports are concerned, you qualify if you hold NOC*NSF status or you practise a sport (which is on the most recent Top-level Sports List of the NOC*NSF) at the level of recognised finals of European Championships and World Cups. In other cases, the committee on top-level activities will decide on your application (usually based on the advice of Topsport Amsterdam).


If you are eligible for the top-level performance arrangements, you may have the opportunity to be placed in seminar groups that clash as little as possible with your top-level activities. You may also be exempted from the attendance requirements in some cases, and you may be able to apply for additional resits or examinations at a different time. 


Applications for academic year 2023-2024 can be submitted using the digital application form below. Please note that top performance status must be reapplied for every year.
Applications for academic year 2024-2025 can be submitted from 1 July 2024. Applications submitted earlier will not be processed!

Application form facilities top sports performance

Application form facilities cultural top performance 

Take into account a response time of 30 days.

Committee for Top-level sports/cultural activities

The Committee convenes on:
29 August
17 September
15 October
12 November
17 December

Would you like to know more?

Please feel free to contact us!