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Marks and results

Grades are important, during your study and afterwards. Do you want insight into your results? Do you need a overview of your results with a VU-stamp? Do you disagree with a result? More information can be found here.

As soon as a teacher has registered a (final) result, you will find it in your results overview. There you will find your grades in a clear way and you can choose to export your list of grades as a PDF or Excel file. Depending on the subject or your study programme, you will also find partial results listed there. It gives you insight into the course of your studies, in order to eventually obtain the diploma. Check your results regularly via your dashboard.

Do you need a overview of your results with a VU-stamp for a job application or study programme at another institution? Go to results overview and click on "Results overview with VU-stamp". If you want more information regarding this overview, please click below on 'Request an overview of your results". 

Do you disagree with a grade or the result of an exam? Read under "Disagreeing with a grade" what you can do about it.

Dutch grading system

Dutch grades range from 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest). Grades of 5.5 and higher are passing grades. The highest grade (10) is very rarely awarded. An 8 is considered a high mark and a 7 is more common. Grades from 1 to 3 are also quite rare. The grading system often raises many questions.

With this video (from 09:07 min.) we hope to inform you about what you can expect from the Dutch educational system.